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It All Starts With A Request

What questions are asked at the US spouse interview?

The marriage green card interview is an important step in the visa process. It is essential for couples to prepare in order to ensure that they are able to answer questions that may be asked by the consular officer. It is also important to understand that the consular officer is looking for evidence that the marriage is genuine and not based on fraud.

There are a variety of questions for marriage green card interview that the consular officer will ask during the interview. These questions can include the couple’s daily routine, where they live together, their favorite pastimes – individually and as a couple, what food and drinks they prefer, how they spend their free time, household chores, travel habits, sleep schedules, shopping habits, dietary restrictions, tattoos and scars, religious practices, and more.

During the interview, it is important to be honest and thorough with the answers. The consular officer will be able to detect any inconsistencies or dishonesty. In addition, it is recommended that couples practice answering potential questions with each other prior to the interview in order to feel confident and prepared.

It is also a good idea to bring documents that demonstrate the couple’s daily life together, such as photos, joint bank accounts, cancelled checks, and lease agreements. Having these documents can help to show that the couple lives together and that they are a legitimate, bona fide marriage.

The interviewing officer will likely want to know more about the couple’s relationship and how they became involved with each other. They will want to know about any first dates, how long they dated before deciding to marry, and their future plans together. The interviewing officer will also want to know about any children that the couple has together and how they are being raised.

The interviewing officer will also want to know more about the family connections that the couple has, including the spouse’s parents and siblings. They will want to know how the couple interacts with each other’s families and how they plan to continue that interaction in the future. Having strong connections to each other’s family can further establish that the marriage is genuine and not based in fraud.

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